WACEM2024 – The Xth World Academic Congress of Emergency Medicine was held from 5th November to 9th November in Roma, Italy. WACEM2024 Was hosted by GREAT Italy with the endorsement of The American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM).
WACEM2024 Kick Off Event was on 5th November 2024: A Collaborative Meeting was held between leaders of Sweden and Italy for making a framework to advance current ageing research and gaps encouraging collaboration within the network. The meeting is organized in collaboration with La Sapienza University of Rome and hosted together with Roma Tre University.
The World Congress began on 6th November. This Year WACEM strictly adhered to RESEARCH and attendees were encouraged to Present Original Work, Ideas and Experiences.
500 World Experts Presented at WACEM2024 and provided over 200 Hours of education with attendance from 39+ Countries. Academic Experts from all over the world including USA, UK, India, New Zealand Qatar, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, Israel, and Nepal participated in WACEM24. The WACEM Women Leaders Conference was held on 8th November 2024.
ROME presented itself to the world as a hub for Quality Academics with High Quality Education, Research and Patient Care.
The Italian Association of Heart Failure Patients “Associazione Italiana Scompensati Cardiaci” held its Annual Summit as a Post Conference to WACEM on 9th November 2024.
WACEM24 Coincided with the HOLY JUBILEE YEAR in ROME.
WACEM2024 set new benchmarks for Global EM Conferencing with its 5 days of hard-core Research Presentations Format.
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WACEM2023 – The 9th World Academic Congress of Emergency Medicine was held from 28th October to 31st October 2023 in the EURASIAN Nation of Turkey. WACEM23 was hosted by The Emergency Physicians Association of Turkey under the Leadership of President Professor Dr. Basar Cander.
WACEM23 was held at a time when The Republic of Turkey celebrated its Centenary (100 Years) on 29th October and EPAT completed its 25 Years since its founding in 1999. WACEM also entered its 10th Year with the completion of this Edition of The World Congress.
Many Celebrations One Location Antalya Turkey.
The Pre-Congress Skill School on Disaster Leadership and Hands On Skills in Istanbul on 26th and 27th October at Bezm-i Alem Foundation University. The Skill-School was attended by a large number of delegates in the backdrop of the recent Earthquake in Turkey.
The WACEM23 Congress was held at Pine Belek Convention Center and Hotel in Antalya and was a blockbuster Meeting with more than 1200 attendees over 4 days. Emergency Medicine Leaders from around the world spoke at WACEM23 as we bridged the Linguistic Divide bringing Turkish Emergency Medical Sciences closer to the Word of Academic Sciences.
Attended by over 1200 delegates with live online telecast to WACEM partners institutions across the world WACEM23 was am academic extravanganza part excellence.
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WACEM2022 – The 8th World Academic Congress of Emergency Medicine was held from 14th November to 18th November 2022 in the Royal Nation of Malaysia.
WACEM22 enjoyed the unrestricted support of the Malaysian Ministry of Health. TOPCOM X was simultaneously held with WACEM22.
WACEM22 started with Innovative Workshops on Crisis Ultrasound, Crisis Airway Management, Stop the Bleed, Suturing Splinting, and Wilderness Medicine were the stars of the Congress.
16th and 17th November saw the congress being held at MAHSA University Convention Center with live telecast of all sessions to delegates across Academic Institutions across the world.
The Key Note Speakers for WACEM22 were Professor Antoine Amin Kazzi from the American University of Beirut and Professor Hassan Al-Thani from HMC Qatar.
Professor Kazzi spoke about Emergency Preparedness Lessons from the Blasts of Beirut.
Professor Al-Thani gave a phenomenal address about the road to preparedness by QATAR for the 2022 FIFA Soccer World Cup.
A Special Videoconference was held with WACEM leaders who were speaking at the African Conference of Emergency Medicine in GHANA on the issue of Global Health Security.
The WACEM Women Leaders Congress was a grand success wherein Women leaders from Brazil, USA, Turkey, Ghana, India, Sri Lanka, and Qatar actively participated in deliberation on developing a Female Focused Framework for Forwarding Leadership in Clinical and Academic Medicine.
Multiple Papers were presented and Research Works Discussed. WACEM22 Welcome New members from China, New Zealand, Nepal and Lebanon.
Attended by over 1000 delegates with live online telecast to WACEM partners institutions across the world reset the speed of the growth of The World Academic Council of Emergency Medicine and its academic glory as the world comes out of the dark era of COVID19.
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WACEM21 was hosted by India as a Virtual World Congress . Spanning over 10 Days across various time zones of the world WACEM21 featured talks from Star Academicians working in Emergency Sciences.
The carefully curated content includes Full Day Sessions on Point of Care Ultrasound and Simulation Education. The World CPC Competition saw the best institutions in the world compete in a 12-hour marathon competition.
WACEM21 Satellite Parallel Meetings : The ASHWAMEGH Faculty Development Program (FDP) was launched under the leadership of AIIMS Nagpur. This ambitious project will undertake the meticulous training of all the Academic Faculty who will be founding the academic departments of Emergency Medicine across medical colleges in India.
The EMINDIA2021 and The EPICON2021 Academic National Conferences on Emergency Medicine and Emergency Pediatrics were held simultaneously with WACEM21. They drew active participation from faculty and residents across India.
The Skill Schools on EKG, ABG, Airway, Ventilation, Suturing & Splinting were superhit as the world witnessed the glamorous 9th Convocation of the Academic College of Emergency Experts in India and the INDUSEM Awards Night on 17th December 2021.
The Final Two Days of WACEM21 saw phenomenal talks from world leaders on range of topics from Trauma, Shock, Sepsis, Neuro-Cardio-Vascular Emergencies, Disaster Management, Intensive Care, Toxicology, EM Education, EM Research as well discussing successes from EM transformations in Africa, Turkey and Uzbekistan.
The highlight of WACEM21 was the Women Leaders of WACEM Symposium which brought Female leaders from across the world to discuss and profess their leadership mantra. Women leaders from Brazil, USA, Turkey, Ghana, India, Sri Lanka, and Qatar actively participated in deliberation on developing a Female Focused Framework for Forwarding Leadership in Clinical and Academic Medicine.
10 Days, 150 + International Faculty, 200+ Hours of Education and Hundreds of Delegates were the metrics for WACEM21.
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Since March 2020 The WACEM2020 World Summit is a Weekly Summit held via a Web Based Audio Visual Platform. It brings all leaders and medical providers across the world onto one stage to share experiences, data and create new scientific vistas in provision of better patient care for CORONA Patients. The WACEM2020@Kaula Lumpur was cancelled in wake of the pandemic and was replaced by the World Wide Web Summit held weekly. As of date, WACEM efforts have produced landmark papers and WACEM continues to evolve the science of patient care via the art of collaborative and creative academics led by academicians across the world. The WACEM2020 Weekly Summit has become one of the most popular meetings across the world with many world leaders addressing it as key note speakers and WACEM being invited as technical experts to train, innovate and create better patient care systems as partners. WACEM fortified its relationship with many leaders, nations and agencies including the World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Emergency and Trauma in South East Asia.
WACEM2019Dubai was held from 20th October to 24th October 2019. WACEM2019 saw the induction of new partners into The World Academic Council of Emergency Medicine. WACEM2019DUBAI saw the dedicated participation of residents across UAE with their complete engagement in organizing the sessions, operationalizing the workshops and actively interacting with the speakers. Leaders from the World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Emergency & Trauma attended and spoke at WACEM2019DUBAI and assured The World Council of Its complete academic support for the future. The Research Networks also attended WACEM2019DUBAI and committed to inducting all partner nations into research studies at an International level. Academicians made a case to integrate pre-hospital use of emergency Sonography in Dubai and installing the same in all ambulances. The “First Dubai Emergency Preparedness Exercise” saw the participation of institutions in Dubai. This innovative and interactive workshop helped prepare health care providers and health care facilities for World Expo 2020 to be held in Dubai. WACEM2019DUBAI was attended by over 1400 participants with faculty from many countries across the World. 125 International and Regional faculty, 10 workshops and 14 tracks studded the success of WACEM2019DUBAI.
WACEM2018 – The 4thWorld Academic Congress of Emergency Medicine was held from 29th October to 4th November 2018 in the Royal Nation of Qatar. WACEM2018 enjoyed the unrestricted support of the Qatar Ministry of Health, Qatar University and The Hamad Medical Corporation. There were 2000 + Delegates, 200 + Internationally Renowned Academicians and over 100+ Papers presented.
The World CPC Competition was held were Teams from around the world participated with vigor and enthusiasm. Discussion Forum on Guidelines Development for Thrombolysis, Anticoagulation, Trauma in Pregnancy and Sepsis were held which will move to full PubMed indexed publications.
A highly scientific meeting WACEM2018 set new standards in Academic Education, Research and The art of patient care.
Media Links: The 2018 WACEM Congress
The 3rd World Academic Congress of Emergency Medicine was held from 8th October to 15th October 2017 in the Cultural National of Sri Lanka. Held across Two cities of Colombo and Galle it enjoyed the unrestricted support of the Sri Lanka Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine. The Congress began with grand public health events of walkathons and photography exhibitions highlighting injury prevention. Galle City hosted the Sonography Skills Schools. The BioPrep Course was held on 11th and 12th October 2017 which was attended by decision leaders across the world. 13th October witnessed multiple skills schools held across key academic institutions in Colombo. 14th& 15th October was the main congress. The 14th& 15th October 2017 saw the congress being held at National Hospital of Sri Lanka at Colombo with live telecast of all sessions to delegates across Academic Institutions in Sri Lanka. The INDUSEM Awards Night was held on 13th October where Achievers were honored. Ramon Magsaysay Award winners Dr. Prakash Baba Amte and Dr. Mandakini Prakash Amte were the Speakers at the Awards Night. The Dr. Amte Couple have spent their lives improving the lives of tribal citizens in the jungles of Maharashtra India. They were inspiring as they narrated their story of how they managed emergencies in a vastly ignorant tribe and living without electricity for 20 years. Today that region has a full-fledged hospital, residential school and the tribal children have gone on to become lawyers, physicians and engineers. 14thOctober was the Gala Night where Sri Lanka presented itself to the world as a hub for innovation and clinical advancement.
Attended by over 1500 delegates and live telecast to all Sri Lanka Teaching institutions and the world WACEM2017 set new benchmarks for Global EM Conferencing with its 8 days of hard core education by over 200 world faculty.
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The 2017 WACEM Congress
The Gala
The Workshops
The 2nd World Academic Congress of Emergency Medicine finished with a Bang in Majestic Bangalore on 23rd October 2016. From 16th October 2016, WACEM was held across cities of Mysuru and Bangalore and was attended by over 3000 Delegates who participated in various academic segments of the World Congress.16th October 2016 was the First Day of the Congress which started off with a Road Safety and Injury Prevention Walkathon led by MS Ramaiah Medical College under the auspices of the Jeevan Jyoti Rashtria Abhiyan and Jan Suraksha Abhiyan.17th and 18th October 2016 were Curtain Raiser events in Mysuru. The Community Emergency Preparedness Initiative was held on 17th October 2017 where Resuscitation Skills were taught to school students across Mysuru. 18th October was the International Consultation on Ultrasound Training in Under Graduate Medical Education. The Mysuru events were led by JSS University.19th and 20th October was the Bangalore Academic Pre-Congress led by MS. Ramaiah Medical College, CDC-USA and SUNY Downstate New York. The Theme of the Pre-Congress was Emergency Biological Preparedness (BioPrep).21st October saw multiple skills courses held across multiple venues. All the Medical Colleges and NBE Recognized hospitals participated in the World Congress. The INDUSEM Awards Night was hosted by MS. Ramaiah Medical College where the Everest Super Climber and the First Vegan to climb Mount Everest Mr. Kuntal Joisher left the audience spell bound.22nd and 23rd October 2016 were the final two days of INDUSEM which were hosted by St. Johns National Academy of Medical Sciences. The star studded finale also witnessed the 6th Convocation of The Academic College of Emergency Experts and the Academy for Clinical Emergency Nursing in India.
The World Academic Council for Emergency Medicine was launched at the Inauguration Ceremony.
The landmark consensus conferences held during WACEM2016 in partnership with the Indian College of Cardiology and the Indian Academy of Pediatrics will churn out high impact evidence which guide the Clinical Decision Making of Emergency Physicians in India. The Leadership of Professor Shakunthala Moorthy and Professor Aruna Ramesh, their teams and partners across multiple institutions in Bangalore proved that Team Work is the key to success.
8 Days, Over 200 National and International Faculty, 2 Cities 10 Venues, 3000 + Delegates and 300 Hours of Education marked the summary of this Landmark World Congress.
Media Links: The 2016 WACEM Congress
The First World Academic Congress of Emergency Medicine (WACEM) was hosted by all the Medical Colleges and Governmental Agencies in New Delhi India from 27th September to 5th October 2015. Spread over 8 Days and 15 Venues the Inaugural WACEM registered over 3500 Delegates from Medical Schools, Governmental Agencies, Defense forces, Sports Arena, and Countries across the World.
Kicking off with an Injury Prevention Walkathon on 27th September 2015 Lead by Member of Parliament Dr. Pritam Munde the Congress had special conferences on Sports Emergencies, Emergency Nursing Care, Violence in the ED and Emergency Staff Wellness. Skill Development Sessions included Hands on Workshops on Resuscitation, Airway Management, Toxicology, Trauma and Disaster Management.
Didactic Lectures were presented by International Faculty and Special Consensus Meetings were held on topics like Fever in Pediatric Emergency Patients, Pain and Sedation in ED and Critical Care Admissions Criteria from the ED.
The First Awards Night was held on 2nd October 2015 at Santosh University and was a runaway success. The INDUSEM Awards honors the best in Emergency Medicine. Dr. Bonnie Arquilla entered the Hall of Fame for 2015.
A Special Philatelic Cover and Stamp was issued by India Post to commemorate this occasion and it was released by Post Master General Shri. Kashyap. This was a matter of great honor and pride for INDUSEM. It recognizes the hard work of the INDUSEM Team.
Media Links: The 2015 WACEM Congress
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